Tele Services

We stay connected with you at all times though internet access on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. You can reach our Doctors and healthcare professional without an in-office visit / consultation.

Virtual Healthcare Consultations

Talk to your health care provider live over the phone or video chat.

Secure Digital Communication

Send and receive messages from your health care provider using secure messaging, email, and secure file exchange.

Remote Health Monitoring

Use remote monitoring so your health care provider can check on you at home. For example, you might use a device to gather vital signs to help your health care provider stay informed on your progress.

Care you can get with telehealth

  • Lab test or x-ray results
  • Mental health treatment, including online therapy, counseling, and medication management
  • Recurring conditions like migraines or urinary tract infections
  • Skin conditions
  • Prescription management
  • Urgent care issues like colds, coughs, and stomach aches
  • Post-surgical follow-up
  • Treatment and follow-up appointments for attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Physical therapy and occupational therapy
  • Remote monitoring services that help you track your health goals and manage chronic conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol