Continuous Monitoring:

Continuous health monitoring of patients, enabled by rapid advances in digital health technologies, has the potential to tailor patient care to individuals to achieve better health outcomes.

Enables proactive care and personalized patient journeys

Continuous health monitoring devices collect an individual’s real-time data. On the one hand, data can be used to improve disease monitoring and management; and on the other hand, it can be used for early disease detection and prevention.

Allows individuals to take more control over their well-being

Allows individuals to take more control over their well-being, disease management, and prevention, contributing to patient engagement and empowerment. Information, gathered from wearables or smartphones, and presented to individuals in the form of understandable summaries or guidelines, can motivate them to change their behavior and incorporate more healthy lifestyles.

Enables Doctors to make better decisions

AI systems will preliminarily analyze vital data collected through continuous health monitoring, enabled by smart devices, so that the doctor receives information about alarming signals or can gain a full picture of health through a detailed summary.

Improve the ability to both detect and respond

Helps to improve the ability to both detect and respond to patients in decline in a variety of care settings, as it is leveraged to address numerous challenges, such as delays in information delivery; loss of information; and limited understanding of risks, warning signs and possible outcomes.